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Fan Feedback 2
COMMENTS: These awesome commercials were the only thing decent about Bud Light. Everyone else knows the beer was Australian for shi+! Sorry about your site, I enjoyed it immensely. Maybe you could work a deal and we could buy a cd of this stuff. -Greg D. Wow.Free advertisement and too stupid to take it.No wonder so many CEOs are going to prison lately. This site is my favorite on the web! I can't believe A-B is stopping free advertising. They should be paying you. Where else can fans listen to the commercials and read the lyrics? What they are doing to you is pure madness!!! -TRJ Bud Light should consider a new ad: Mr. Idiot Free Advertisement Refuser. It was great why it lasted. Thanks for sharing! -Fro That sucks, it was fun while it lasted, thanks for the laughs! -tim Hey, Miller does taste better and it's less filling. Bud can bite it. -Mal Man, this site was on the top of my Favorites list. This is ridiculous how they can pull this crap. I wrote A-B a long letter, telling them to pull there heads out of there @sses and keep this site runnin strong! What idiots! -TRB yep me and my brother love the real men of genius but now i won't buy another product by anheuser busch and those advertisments i think made me a bud drinker but not anymore, thank you budweiser. -Shane Z very disappointed that you saw fit to make the owners of ( http://budlight.whipnet.com/ ) take down your real men of genius jingles. taking these brilliant bits of free advertising off of the net must not have been the idea of those responsible for the actual idea behind RMOG. Here's to you Mr. Myopic Legal Double Speak Guy -joe b Looks like I'll have to switch to Miller Light. I used to enjoy these commercials, now I won't be able to listen one without thinking 'Gee, another commercial by those *bleep* idiots that make Bud Light. Imagine not wanting your advertisements played for FREE over and over and over...'. Me thinks these *bleep* tards are sampling too much of their own product. -Steve D Bud Light should consider a new ad: Mr. Idiot Free Advertisement Refuser. It was great why it lasted. Thanks for sharing! Best, Fro That sucks, it was fun while it lasted, thanks for the laughs! tim I think it is very stupid of A-B to remove the great and very funny real men of genius and real american heroes mp3s of the whipnet web site. This free advertisement. Please bring back the rmog and rah- Jason C Wow this site was amazing! There was nothing wrong with the way it was put together. Its free advertising if anything. I would love to help get this site back up those commercials WERE funny now its not the same when i hear them on the RADIO i am now going to change the channel and listen to someone else now so you lost a very loyal customer. The same with all my friends -Jon B To continue to host the 'Real Men of Genius' MP3s from that genius campaign. These ads are a great way to continue to receive brand recognition by Anheuser-Busch, with no further outlay by Anheuser-Busch. It seems that the owner of the website is in fact willing to come to some arrangement as to disclaimers, etc. -Brian T Hello Bud, My name is Jon Keller and I am a BUD LIGHT drinker. I'm a Gunnery Sergeant in the United States Marine Corps. I recently got back from over sea's and I herd one of your "Real Men of Genius" commercials and I really need to hear more. Is there anyway I can buy a CD full of those commercials? From the one that I did hear I laughed so hard I started to cry right in front of some of my troops. Please, what ever it takes, I really need to hear more. -gysgt keller I just wanted to comment that the Real Men of Greediness commercial was hilarious and this nonsense that Bud Light has stumbled upon has led me to drink Miller Lite as horrible as it may taste only because they are Bud-Lights biggest competitor. Good luck with getting the MP3s back running should you even choose to do so. I'm sure A-B is getting a ton of hate mails about this. I know I sent one. -Zach S yeah... i wont be drinking budlight anymore... a$$holes. those were soo effin funny! -Jennifer V How can a company that large be that stupid. I guess that's what happens when you get lawyers involved. Budweiser can be sure that I will not purchase anymore of their products and will spread the word to as many people as I know. -Greg Ridiculous! I went on the site today because I needed a good laugh. Now I must cry -Cari Your decision to deny the playing of the Bud commercials on the whipnet site appears to be incredibly market stupid for a company that until now, I thought was market savy. It would follow that you wouldn't pay attention to a consumer that no longer patronizes your product and I am one of those. Decisions like that ultimately benefit your competitors. Perhpas your legal department should assume marketing responsibilities as well as they should assume the responsibility for this consumer abandoning your product(s). - Chris R