Mr. Fancy Coffee shop Coffee Pourer
Bud Light Presents Real Men of Genius
(Real Men of Genius)
Today, we salute you, Mr. Fancy Coffee shop Coffee Pourer
(Mr. Fancy Coffee shop Coffee Pourer)
What do you do with a masters degree in art history?
You get a nose ring and pour coffee for a living.
(pour it on now)
Why is it called a latte? Maybe because it costs a latte
and, it takes a latte time to make.
(whole lotta latte)
Someone ordred a
cappuccino? Step aside and let the
man who works the milk foamer take over.
(step aside)
Sure, you charge five bucks for a cup of coffee,
it's putting that tip jar out that takes real guts.
So, crack open an ice cold budlight, Guru of the ground roast,
it's not the caffeine that gives us the buzz, it's you.
(Mr. Fancy Coffee shop Coffee Pourer)