Real American Heroes
Real Men of Genius

WhipNet and Bud Light proudly salute Real
American Heroes.
This web page is low in calories, low in alcohol.
Sorry, no Budweiser frogs here.
This web page is low in calories, low in alcohol. Sorry, no Budweiser frogs here.
Anheuser-Busch makes TV ads based
on its 'Real Men of Genius' radio commercials
Radio commercials are hardly the stuff of pop-culture buzz these days, not with
television and the Internet blasting away at consumers.
So it comes as a bit of a surprise that one of Anheuser-Busch Cos.'
longest-running - and most honored - ad campaigns never made it to the small
screen. Until now.
The St. Louis-based brewer recently opened the first of what will be several TV
versions of its "Real Men of Genius" radio commercials for Bud Light. A-B
executives say they hope to translate the series' extraordinary popularity on
the radio into the company's next big TV campaign, just in time for
sports-heavy fall and winter schedules.
Since its debut four years ago, "Real Men of Genius" has earned plenty of
laughs and nearly every major advertising award.
The 30-second spots feature an over-the-top, 1980s-style rock ballad
sung by David Bickler, the former lead singer of "Survivor." Bickler's
rendition of "Eye of the Tiger" was the anthem of the popular movie "Rocky
The campaign originally was called "Real American Heroes," but the name was
changed after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.
The spots spoof old-fashioned beer commercials that saluted the hard-working
little guy, said John Immesoete, group creative director of DDB Chicago, which
created the campaign.
"Real Men of Genius" singles out "people who make our lives better" in the most
subtle ways, Immesoete said. They include Mr. Bowling Shoe Giver Outer, Mr.
Giant Foam Finger Inventor, Mr. Losing Locker Room Reporter, Mr. All You Can
Eat Buffet Inventor and Mr. Restroom Toilet Paper Refiller.
What makes the spots so appealing is smart writing that "finds sort of a unique
individual observation that sits in the back of your head but you don't
necessarily think about," said Marc Kempter, managing director of Core, an
advertising agency in St. Louis that has done work for rival Miller Brewing Co.
In the Mr. Fancy Coffee Shop Coffee Pourer spot, a voice asks: "What do you do
with a master's degree in art history? You get a nose ring and pour coffee for
a living," and "Why is it called a latte? Maybe because it costs a latte and it
takes a latte time to make."
Immesoete said he and his group of writers often find inspiration in real life.
For instance, he noticed dieters in the cafeteria of his building put "tons of
guacamole" on their taco salads. The result: Mr. Giant Taco Salad Inventor.
"You may ask if this is healthy," the commercial says. "Of course it is. It's a
salad, isn't it?"
Recent spots have taken a "What were you thinking?" tone, Immesoete said, such
as Mr. Really Bad Toupee Wearer and Mr. Tiny Thong Bikini Wearer.
As for the music, DDB Chicago approached Sandy Torano, a musician and producer,
to write a "cheesy '80s song." Torano immediately thought of Bickler.
"David Bickler is a friend of mine," said Torano, who owns Scandal Music in
Chicago. "I told them, 'If you are going do an '80s parody, why don't you get
the real thing?'"
Bickler, he said, was a good sport.
"Real Men of Genius" has spawned a mini-following of sorts. Recordings of the
music are offered for sale on eBay. Several fans have designed Web sites.
The campaign has flourished partly because it stands out against other radio
commercials, which tend to be loud and in-your-face, said Bob Lachky, A-B's
vice president of brand management.
"Radio is the most misused medium in advertising," he said. Radio ads "are
typically not done well."
And that's a shame, Lachky said, because radio allows listeners "to have a
theater of the mind. There is a lot you could do with pacing, timing and sound
effects. You're asking the consumer to be involved."
Which makes turning "Real Men of Genius" into TV spots even more risky, said
Kempter, at Core. The spots work on radio because people use their
imaginations, he said.
So far, A-B has made Mr. Footlong Hot Dog Vendor and Mr. Really Bad Toupee
Wearer into TV spots.
However, Kempter said, for the toupee commercial, "there was nothing that
visuals brought to the table."
Immesoete disagrees. He acknowledges that some "Real Men of Genius" bits are
better radio commercials, but he said television offers fresh possibilities.
For instance, the toupee commercial showed the reactions of attractive women to
a bad toupee, Immesoete said.
A-B has high hopes for "Real Men of Genius." The brewery might use some of the
commercials for its Super Bowl lineup, Immesoete said. "TV gives it a whole new
Mr. Bass Plaque Maker
bud light presents real american heroes
(real american heroes)
today we salute you, Mr.. bass plaque maker
(Mr.. bass plaque maker)
only a true artist like yourself can turn five pounds of dead fish into a work
of art
(no fishy smell now)
in your capable hands, we know that our trout will never will never look
trashy, our croppy never crappy
(never crap-ay)
thanks to you we can say, "I caught this bass, what have you ever done?"
(tell me now)
so crack open an ice cold bud light Mr.. bass plaque maker. because while a
trophy wife may grow old and wrinkled, a trophy bass can now remain forever
(forever young forever young)
Mr. Bowling Shoe Giver Outer
bud light presents real american heroes
(real american heroes)
today we salute you Mr.. bowling shoe giver outer
(Mr.. bowling shoe giver outer)
your tireless efforts keep our shoes comfy and sanitized with mountain freshness
(mountain freshness!)
instinctively, you match left shoe with right
(left right left right)
carefully placing each pair in it's own tiny shoe house
(check the number on the back)
one wrong move, and we're on the fast train to blisterville
(ooh yea!)
is he a nine and a half, or a ten?
(woh, yea)
you know. why? because you're Mr.. bowling shoe giver outer
(we couldn't bowl without you)
so crack open an ice cold bud light mister, and know it's no accident that those
shoes are red, white, and blue.
(no we couldn't bowl without you)
Mr. All-You-Can-Eat Buffet Inventor
Bud Light Presents: Real Men of Genius
(real men of genius)
Today we salute you, Mr. All-You-Can-Eat Buffet Inventor.
(Mr. All-You-Can-Eat Buffet Inventor)
You've given us the real American dream: a tray, fifteen feet of food, and a
little sign that says, "Go nuts buddy!"
(Pinch me, I'm dreamin'!)
Pushing side-dish innovation to its limits, you offer creamed-everything, and
400 flavors of gelatin.
(Feedin' frenzy!)
If there's beef, you'll chip it. If there's chicken, you'll fry it. And if
there's gravy, well then everything's going to be o.k.
(I thank God for the gravy!)
So crack open an ice-cold Bud Light, buffet boy. You know the way to a man's
heart…and a few hundred tasty ways to challenge it.
(Mr. All-You-Can-Eat Buffet Inventor)
Mr. Bumper Sticker Writer
bud light presents real american heroes
(real american heroes)
today we salute you Mr. bumper sticker writer
(Mr. bumper sticker writer)
never has one man written so much for so many. without you the world may never
have known "you can't hug with nuclear arms."
(I need a hug now!)
and just like you, I, too, would rather be fishing, or square-dancing, or even
(ooh yea)
I owe, I owe, so off to work I go. you said it brother
(you speak the truth)
so crack open an ice cold bud light oh bard of the bumper, thanks to you I know
it's perfectly alright to honk if I'm horny.
(honk honk beep honk)
Mr. Horse-Drawn Carriage Driver
Bud Light Presents: Real Men of Genius
(real men of genius)
Today we salute you, Mr. Horse-Drawn Carriage Driver.
(Mr. Horse-Drawn Carriage Driver)
You start your day with a "tip tip" and a "cheerio" which is odd because you're
from Brooklyn.
(Jolly old Brooklyn!)
While most people sit behind a desk, you proudly sit two feet behind a
four-legged manure factory.
No one knows the guts it takes to ride the subway to work dressed as a foppish
dandy from the 18th century.
(He's a foppish dandy)
Blaring horns, profanity, vicious insults - all met with a courtly tip of your
stovepipe hat.
So crack open an ice-cold Bud Light, buggy boy, because the way you say "giddyup"
makes us say "whoa"!
(whoa whoa whoa)
mr. chinese food delivery guy
bud light presents real american heroes
(real american heroes)
today we salute you, mr. chinese food delivery guy
(mr. chinese food delivery guy)
without you, we'd be forced to do the unthinkable when we wanted chinese: drive
to a restaurant
(moo shoo gai pan)
but you, sir, bring it to us in under twenty
(ride like the wind)
armed with your rickety bike, you battle traffic, bad weather, and the
occasional busted elevator. and why do you do it? because somewhere some guy is
waiting for his kung pow crab puffs, and he's got a dollar fifty seven with your
name on it
(that's ten percent)
so crack open an ice cold bud light oh mercenary of the mandarin chicken, and
know that when america is looking for a man to get the job done, you do deliver.
(you do deliver)
mr. supermarket deli meat slicer
bud light presents real american heroes
(real american heroes)
today we salute you, mr. deli meat slicer
(mr. supermarket deli meat slicer)
to feed america's hunger, you stand dangerously close to a buzzsaw, armed only
with a salami
(just you and your salami)
behind your glass fortress you quickly fill orders as shoppers shout "hey, i was
(take a number please)
and no matter what you're slicing, from bologna to liverworst, you always hit
your mark: one tenth of an ounce over
(slice slice slice just the way i like it)
so crack open an ice cold bud light oh master slicer, and remember, when someone
asks "who cut the cheese?", you can proudly say "it was me."
(mr. supermarket deli meat slicer)
mr. driving range ball picker upper
bud light presents real american heroes
(real american heroes)
today we salute you, mr. driving range ball picker upper
(mr. driving range ball picker upper)
for our pure enjoyment, you bravely throw yourself directly in the path of
adversity, and you do it on a tractor
(riding high)
oh, the rules call for friendly fire, but you know we're all gunning for you
(gunning for you)
"let her rip", you say, because someone's gonna hit a little dribbler, and
they're gonna try and chase it down
(run run run run)
and when they do, you'll be there
(you'll be there)
so crack open an ice cold bud light range guy, because in this world of mamby
pambys, you're the one with all the balls.
(mr. driving range ball picker upper)
mr. fake tattoo inventor
bud light presents: real american heroes
(real american heroes)
today we salute you, mr. fake tattoo inventor
(mr. fake tattoo inventor)
thru the miracle of hypoallergenic adhesives, you transform us from mild
mannered accountant into roadhouse biker hooligan
be it screaming skull, or thrashing tiger, you've got a temporary alter-ego for
any occasion
(flaming dragon!)
what else says "i love you, mom" like a heart with a sword through it?
(you know i love you momma!)
so crack open an ice cold bud light mr. fake tattoo inventor guy. we may not
have been born to ride, but thanks to you, we can feel like.
(thank you mr. fake tattoo inventor!)
mr. parking attendant flashlight waver
bud light presents real american heroes
(real american heroes)
today we salute you, mr. parking attendant flashlight waver
(mr. parking attendant flashlight waver)
leaving the security of your two by two foot heated hut, you light the way
(show me the way now)
defying physics and most insurance policies, you wedge my midsize into the space
of a compact
(back back back back back back back it up wooh!)
while you act like you couldn't care less about my car, i know deep down
inside... you don't
(it's just a car)
so crack open an ice cold bud light oh tzar of the parked car
as long as that extra sawbuck translates to easy out, we'll keep pullin her in
(we couldn't park without you)
mr. giant foam finger maker
bud light presents real american heroes
(real american heroes)
today we salute you, mr. giant foam finger maker
(mr. giant foam finger maker)
without you, our teams would be in six or seventh place and feel as if they were
in sixth or seventh place
(can you feel it)
carefully, you craft uncanny representations of actual human hands
(so big so real)
so that we may wave them annoyingly in the faces of our rivals
(in your face)
they're enormous, yes, yet one size fits all. brilliant.
(raise em to the sky now)
so crack open an ice cold bud light mr. foam finger maker, and know we speak for
sports fans everywhere when we say, "no, you're number one".
(mr. giant foam finger maker)
mr. foot long hot dog inventor
bud light presents real american heroes
(real american heroes)
today we salute you, mr. foot long hot dog inventor
(mr. foot long hot dog inventor)
when conventional wisdom said no one could make a hot dog longer than six
inches, you dared to dream
(dared to dream)
you knew the limitations of a regular sized hot dog bun, and you ignored them
(can't stop me now)
you made a ten inch weiner, and people cheered
but you weren't satisfied. you said, "wait, i think i can still give you two
more inches."
(gotta want it)
and so the foot long was born. so crack open an ice cold bud light mr. hot dog
hero, because you gave every one of us our fondest wish: a bigger weiner.
(thank you thank you thank you!)
mr. fortune cookie fortune writer
bud light presents real american heroes
(real american heroes)
today we salute you, mr. fortune cookie fortune writer
(mr. fortune cookie fortune writer)
most writers leave their wisdom in a book, you leave yours in a cookie
(crunchy cookie!)
sure they taste good, but it's the information you provide that we're really
hungry for
(love is round the corner)
though your tablet is small, your message never is
(show me the way)
of course the moo shu pork and the egg foo young fill our bellies; it's your
inspiration that keeps us well nourished
(yum yum yum yum egg foo young)
so crack open an ice cold bud light mr. fortune cookie fortune writer, because
when you say our luck is about to change, we believe you.
(we believe you!)
mr. garden gnome maker
bud light presents real american heroes
(real american heroes)
today we salute you, mr. garden gnome maker
(mr. garden gnome maker)
anyone can dress up a yard with a shrub or some gladiolas, but it takes real
guts to use a small, brightly colored, ceramic man
(you're the man)
and what says "welcome to our home" like a dwarf in the hedges?
(standing tall)
many a night, you've slaved over a hot ceramic man maker, knowing somewhere
there was a lonely pink flamingo, or a cement frog, who needed a buddy
so crack open an ice cold bud light oh master of miniatures, because as all
americans know, a home isn't a home without a gnome.
(take me home
mr. hawaiian shirt pattern designer
bud light presents real american heroes
(real american heroes)
today we salute you, mr. hawaiian shirt pattern designer
(mr. hawaiian shirt pattern designer)
you provide us with colorful loungewear capable of hiding any stain we can dish
(gettin sloppy)
who else could create flowered shirts that are still so unmistakeably masculine
a single shirt that matches every pair of pants we own, and really sets off a
white belt
(looking good now)
sure women say they hate them, but inside they're all swooning for the big
(ooh kahuna!)
so crack open an ice cold bud light mr. hawaiian shirt pattern designer. your
shirts may not be made in hawaii, but taiwan is an island, too
mr. jelly donut filler
bud light presents: real american heroes
(real american heroes)
today we salute you, mr. jelly donut filler
(mr. jelly donut filler)
many a night you pondered the question "how can i get some jelly shoved into a
plain powdered donut's blowhole?"
(in the blowhole!)
inspiration, and perspiration, led you to invent the answer: the jelly super
(super squirter!)
late at night, all night, you worked your squirter so that we could wake up
satisfied and enjoy our breakfast jelly treat
(work work work work work your squirter!)
so crack open an ice cold bud light mr. jelly doughnut filler, nobody else takes
it to the hole quite the way you do.
(mr jelly doughnut filler!)
mr. male football cheerleader
bud light presents real american heroes
(real american heroes)
today we salute you, mr. male football cheerleader
(mr. male football cheerleader)
real men don't just play smash mouth football, real men turn cartwheels and
somersaults on the sidelines, tucked safely away from the action
(don't touch me now)
fourth down and inches, the game's on the line, it all comes down to you.
will you call for a perky pyramid, or a line dance?
(get on my shoulders)
knock em back, knock em back all the way to hack em sack
(rah rah rah rah rha zis boom bah)
so grab an ice cold bud light mr. male football cheerleader.
you may never score a touchdown, but you're peppy
and that's gotta count for something.
(that's gotta count for somethin)
Mr. Nudist Colony Activity Coordinator
Bud Light Presents: Real Men of Genius
(real men of genius)
Today we salute you, Mr. Nudist Colony Activity Coordinator.
(Mr. Nudist Colony Activity Coordinator)
Wearing nothing but a whistle and a clipboard, you're living the real American
dream: getting paid to think up fun things to do, naked.
(Runnin' free!)
Sure there's danger- vinyl chairs, sunburns, chaffage... and lawn darts?
Completely out of the question.
(Watch out now!)
Your keen instincts tell you to stick to activities that involve lots of
bouncing and jiggling. And if that doesn't work, who cares? You're all naked.
(It's your birthday!)
So crack open an ice-cold Bud Light, nudie boy, because we all know, when the
going gets tough, the tough get naked.
(Mr. Nudist Colony Activity Coordinator)
mr. outside the stadium peanut seller
bud light presents real american heroes
(real american heroes)
today we salute you, mr. outside the stadium peanut seller
(mr. outside the stadium peanut seller)
you stand like a sentry outside the grounds of our national passtime, offering
us your salty nuts
(nice and crunchy)
half price on the outside, all the taste, that's your pitch
(nuts for scratch)
there's nothing like spending a summer day on a hard bleacher seat crunching
your nuts
(crunch crunch oh!)
unless it's sitting behind home plate spreading mustard on your weiner
(hot n spicy)
so crack open an ice cold bud light mr. outside the stadium peanut seller,
because thanks to you a bag of peanuts costs only peanuts.
(mr. outside the stadium peanut seller)
mr. pickled pigs feet eater
bud light presents real american heroes
(real american heroes)
today we salute you, mr. pickled pigs feet eater
(mr. pickled pigs feet eater)
ignoring all you know about pigs, and where they live, and what they step in,
you look at their pickled paws and say "yummy"
(lookin tasty)
craving only the most daring meal, you pass up the cow tongue, skate by the head
cheese, dismiss the rocky mountain oysters
(rocky mountain oysters)
but, a pigs foot soaked in pickle juice, now that's good eatin'
(save me a big one)
so crack open an ice cold bud light mr. pickled pigs feet eater, cuz it takes
guts to eat those feet
(thank you mr. pickled pigs feet eater)
mr. pit crew water bottle squirter
bud light presents real american heroes
(real american heroes)
today we salute you, mr. pit crew water bottle squirter
(mr. pit crew water bottle squirter)
in a world of RPMs and MPGs, you're all about H2O
Sure, anyone can take a car apart and put it back together again, but not just
anyone can squirt water
(you've got it in you)
reach, squeeze, reach, squeeze. precision timing. one inch off, and you've got a
soggy water, and a potential squegee situation
(watch out, that's water!)
so crack open an ice cold bud light mr. pit crew water bottle squirter, because
as far as we're concerned, you're not just in the pits, you are the pits.
(mr. pit crew water bottle squirter)
mr. inspirational poster writer
bud light presents: real american heroes
(real american heroes)
today we salute you, mr. inspirational poster writer
(mr. inspirational poster writer!)
without you, how would we ever know that today, not tomorrow or last thursday,
is the first day of the rest of our lives?
(starting right now!)
you ask us to "take it one day at a time" and remind us "turkeys flock, but
eagles soar alone."
(soaring high!)
only you could turn a picture of a kitten doing chin-ups into something more
than cuddly. you make it inspiring.
(believe in yourself!)
so crack open an ice cold bud light oh poet of the poster. you try very hard, to
make us try very very hard.
(thank you thank you thank you!)
mr. putt putt golf course designer
bud light presents real american heroes
(real american heroes)
today we salute you, mr. putt putt golf course designer
(mr. putt putt golf course designer)
through the magic of astroturf and animatronics, you've taken the time honored
game of golf, and made it fun again
(keep on strokin)
they said a three foot putt wasn't a challenge, so you added windmills
(china windmills)
while lesser men wasted time with fairways and sand traps, you had visions of
fiberglass volcanos and giant clown heads
(clowns freak me out now)
so crack open an ice cold bud light mr. putt putt golf course designer, because
you and i know that a round of golf should always, always include indian
(mr. putt putt golf course designer)
mr. major league infield raker
bud light presents: real american heroes
(real american heroes)
today we salute you, mr. major league infield raker
(mr. major league infield raker)
your precision movements and split second timing keep America's infields safe
for play, and covered with cool swirly designs
(swirly designs!)
millions watch as you weave your standard issue rake inches from the bag, then
skillfully switch to the more advanced woven metal thing on a chain
(woven metal thing!)
yeah it has a name, but we wouldn't understand. why? because we're not mr. major
league infield raker
so crack open an ice cold bud light oh duke of dirt, because for every kid who
wants to be a major league slugger, there's another who wants to be a guy with a
(infield raker guy!)
Mr. Supermarket Free Sample Guy
Bud Light Presents: Real Men of Genius
(real men of genius)
Today we salute you, Mr. Supermarket Free Sample Guy.
(Mr. Supermarket Free Sample Guy)
Though man dreads few things more than a trip to the supermarket, you offer us
hope…and sometimes a free mini-weenie.
(I love that freebie weenie!)
What exactly do you have? Aerosol cheese products? Deep-fried morsels? Who
cares! If it's on a toothpick and it's free, it could be plutonium and we'd eat
(It's all good, baby!)
For a guy wearing oven mitts and an apron, you're all right.
(You're a star!)
So crack open an ice-cold Bud Light, titan of the toothpick, because you put the
(Let it be free!)
Mr. Restroom Toilet Paper Refiller
Bud Light Presents: Real Men of Genius
(real men of genius)
Today we salute you, Mr. Restroom Toilet Paper Refiller.
(Mr. Restroom Toilet Paper Refiller)
Without your undying commitment, we might find ourselves trapped in a stall
armed only with our newspaper.
(Oh, I need you now!)
Like a brave soldier, you storm hostile territory delivering much needed
supplies to your men.
Should you leave one roll? Or two? Or perhaps that giant 10-pound super roll.
(Keep rollin'!)
While others rest, you can't… because somewhere there's a guy with his pants
around his ankles doing the bunny hop in search of a fresh roll.
(Hop! Hop! Hop!)
So crack open an ice-cold Bud Light, master of the men's room because if you
don't do your business, we can't do ours.
(Is there anybody out there?)
mr. really bad toupee wearer
bud light presents real american heroes
(real american heroes)
today we salute you, mr. really bad toupee wearer
(mr. really bad toupee wearer)
more than any neon sign or exploding scoreboard ever could, your chrome dome
cover says "hey guys, look at me"
(what could you be thinking)
you think it looks natural, but it couldn't look phonier if it had a chin strap
(couldn't fool a blind man)
made of space-age fibers, it can repel anything: rain, wind, snow, and
especially young women
(i don't think so)
so crack open an ice cold bud light mr. stud in a rug, then crack open another
for that thing in your head
(i don't think it's on straight)
mr. underwear inspector number twelve
bud light presents real american heroes
(real american heroes)
today we salute you, mr. underwear inspector number twelve
(mr. underwear inspector number twelve)
wether it be tighty whiteys, or banana hammocks, you're the one who makes sure
our skivvies cut the mustard
(ridin high)
you make sure the door is fastened with secure seams, so that the cow doesn't
get out of the barn when it shouldn't
(don't let it out)
dedicating yourself to a craft others might pou pou, you can pass every single
man on the street and say with pride, "you there, you're wearing my underpants,
and no, i don't want them back."
so crack open an ice cold bud light eagle eyes, because we're all glad you've
got your hands in our shorts
(change em every day)
Mr. Wedding Band Guitar Player
Bud Light Presents: Real Men of Genius
(real men of genius)
Today we salute you, Mr. Wedding Band Guitar Player.
(Mr. Wedding Band Guitar Player)
Any guitar player can rock a packed stadium but it takes real talent to keep the
Wishinski reception going all night long.
(Mazal Tov) Perched on the stage in your undersized tuxedo, you tirelessly churn
out tunes from the 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's and 90's.
(Keep on rockin')
Sound check? You don't need no stinking sound check.
And even though you've never had groupies, you have bagged the occasional
(Never forget you!)
So crack open an ice-cold Bud Light, guitar guy, because every wedding you go
to, you're the real best man.
(Mr. Wedding Band Guitar Player)
mr. wrecking ball operator
bud light presents real american heroes
(real american heroes)
today we salute you, mr. wrecking ball operator
(mr. wrecking ball operator)
you do what lesser man can only dream about. you smash great big things into
little bitty pieces
(totally awesome)
forty-two stories of brick, mortar, and iron? no problem. you'll have it down by
(bring it all down)
some might say your job is easy, but never to your face. why? cuz you'll come up
swinging... a two thousand pound ball
(ooh yea!)
so crack open an ice cold bud light wrecking man, because anyone can build a
building, but it takes a man with one giant ball to bring it down.
(mr. wrecking ball operator)
mr. pro wrestling wardrobe designer
bud light presents real american heroes
(real american heroes)
today we salute you, mr. pro wrestling wardrobe designer
(mr. pro wrestling wardrobe designer)
while lesser designers would shy away from putting 300 pound men in spandex, you
embrace it
(yes you do)
pushing fashion to its limits, literally, you pair tights with a cape, a leotard
with a mask, leather boots with a thong
(ooh, lookin good)
all understated ways of saying "i'm going to rip your head off, and look
fabulous doing it
(ripping off heads)
so crack open an ice cold bud light mr. pro wrestling wardrobe guy, because
without you, a man crushing another man's head in his arms would just look
(mr. pro wrestling wardrobe designer)
am looking for the new TV commercials or any additional radio spots not
listed here.
Please contact
Technologies is in no way shape or form connected with Bud Light or
Anheuser-Busch Companies, inc. does not endorse the consumption of
alcohol by minors.
This page was put together by
compiling info from various other pages.
Site Powered his web page is low in calories, low in alcohol. Sorry, no
Budweiser frogs here.