Bud Light - Real Men of Genius

Mr. Movie Theatre Ticket Ripper Upper

Bud Light Presents Real Men of Genius
(Real Men of Genius)

Today, we salute you, Mr. Movie Theatre Ticket Ripper Upper
(Mr. Movie Theatre Ticket Ripper Upper)
Truly the long arm of the law at the movie theatre
you and a velvet rope are all that keep the huddled masses
from a free flic.
(show the man now)
ever diligent, you boldly demand to see our stub,
getting a little personal, don't you think?
(can I see your stub?)
Who's the guy in the military style uniform
that wold make any third world dictator proud?
Mr. Movie Theatre Ticket Ripper Upper, that's who.
(salute the general)

So, crack open an ice cold budlight, stubmaster,
because you really tear it up.

(Mr. Movie Theatre Ticket Ripper Upper)

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